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About The Cheyne Gang

The Cheyne Gang, so called because we held our first sessions in Cheyne Street, Edinburgh and because our members shared the common bond of COPD, originated in 2013 as a research project. Pauline Waugh, Anne Ritchie and Sarah Marshall are General Practice Nurses with an interest in COPD and other respiratory illnesses.  They also enjoy singing in their leisure time.  

The aim of the research was to look at the impact of singing in a group on the quality of life of the participants. We continue to assess quality of life of our participants today although the research project is finished.  

We know that there have been measurable improvements on quality of life for the majority of our members.

Incidentally we noted a reduction in exacerbations (chest infections), a reduction in reliever inhaler use and a reduction in hospital admissions.

From small beginnings we have grown.  We now have four groups in Edinburgh, one in Innerleithen, and one in Glasgow with plans to start a Highland group in 2024.  In addition we support one group in Helensburgh.

So if you are breathless, or know someone who would benefit from joining the Cheyne Gang, please contact us.  See details on the Contact page.

Where and when to find your nearest Cheyne Gang

Stockbridge Lifecare Centre,
2 Cheyne Street, Edinburgh EH4 1JB
14:15 - 16:15 on alternate Mondays

Colinton Bowling Club,
49A Redford Road, Edinburgh EH13 0AB
11:00 - 13:00 on alternate Mondays

Duncan Place Community Hub,
4 Duncan Place, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 8HW
11:45 - 13:45 on alternate Mondays

Anderson Hall
Liberton Kirk Halls,

EH16 6RY
11:00 - 13:00 on alternate Wednesdays

Innerleithen Parish Church,
Leithen Road, Innerleithen, Peeblesshire EH44 6HX
13:00 - 15:00 on alternate Tuesdays

Reidvale Community Centre, 13 Whitevale Street,

Glasgow G31 1QW
14:00 - 16:00 on alternate Wednesdays

Edinburgh groups meet on Mondays & Wednesdays during the day
Innerleithen group meets on alternate Tuesday afternoons. 
The Glasgow group meets on alternate Wednesday afternoons

For full details please contact one of the team - details on the Contact page of this site

Where to Find Us

Cheyne Gang Supporters

We have received grants from the following sources between July 2020 and December 2022. We are very grateful for this financial support.



  • Covid 19 support for communities fund


  • Edinburgh University Community Grant Scheme


  • Tesco Groundworks


  • National Lottery Recovery Scheme


  • Swinton Paterson Trust


  • Edinburgh Council Fund Southside and Newington


  • Local Giving ‘Magic Little Grants’


  • Mental health and wellbeing Scottish Borders


  • Edinburgh Council Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership


  • Tweed Valley Neighbourhood Grant


  • Edinburgh and Lothian Trust Fund


  • Glasgow Winter Wellbeing Fund


  • Pump House Charity

The Cheyne Gang would also like to acknowledge the following organisations, who have provided support both financial and moral over the past 7 years.

  • The Queens Nursing Institute for Scotland was the first organisation to recognise the potential in the work that Pauline, Anne and Sarah proposed.  They provided the grant for the initial research project and continue to show an interest in our work.

  • Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation provided a grant

  • The Scottish Government awarded us a Section 16B grant 

  • The Scottish Practice Nurse Association awarded us a grant and invited us to sing at their 2016 conference​​​

  • Our current hosts have been supportive and encouraging - thank you all.

  • Thank you to Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland for their ongoing support and encouragement.

  • A big thank you to EPSRC Proteus Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration - Our Health for inviting us to take part in their research.

  • To the members of Traquair Community Choir and Sing in the City Choirs for their unwavering encouragement and support for our groups.

  • Irene Watson - our fabulous quilter x

  • Gillian McLaren Scott of McLaren Scott Vocals - her help has, and continues to be invaluable to our group leaders and the wider team.

  • Ian Rankin - Author of the Rebus Books for his kind donation and support.

  • Ian McLeod and his team at Elmbank Print in Peebles have provided us with excellent service, particularly since the start of the lockdown in March.​

  • We are grateful to The Soap Farm for their ongoing support.

Cheyne Gang Supporters

The Cheyne Gang Team 

Board of Trustees

Our board of Trustees: -

Pauline Waugh - Chair

Sarah Marshall - Secretary

Lenny Love - Member Representative

Robina Hutton - Member Representative

Gary Tait - Treasurer 

Helen Szoor-McElhinney - Research Advisor 


Our annual report to the OSCR can be found below

The Cheyne Gang SCIO single tier constitution_EVOC

The Cheyne Gang Team:

Pauline Waugh is a General Practice Nurse in Edinburgh and is the Lead Cheyne Gang Co-ordinator (THE BOSS!).  Professionally she has an interest in Respiratory Medicine.  She is a member of the Sing in the City Aw Blacks Choir

Anne Ritchie is a retired General Practice Nurse with a Specialist interest in Respiratory Medicine.  She sings with the Lauderdale Community Choir and is a Project |Leader with The Cheyne Gang.

Kathy Stewart-Kennedy is a Singer/Songwriter and music teacher with an interest in Singing for Health.  She is the Lead Singing Group Leader for the Cheyne Gang and leader for Tweed Valley and Oxgangs, Edinburgh group. 


Julie Harvey is a singer, music teacher and choir leader with a background in speech and language therapy. She supports the team’s work and teaches singing for breathing by zoom.

Caro Overy is a singing teacher who leads choirs and singing groups in Edinburgh.  She is the Singing Group Leader for the Stockbridge & Leith Groups.

Dr Sophie Boyd is a singer, choir leader and Research Assistant fo Scotland's Singing for Health Network.  Sophie is the Singing Group Leader for the Glasgow Group.

Clare Watson is training with the Cheyne Gang at the moment but is an experienced Natural Voice Practitioner with many years of experience.  

Robyn Stapleton is an award winning singer and song leader with a passion for traditional Scottish music.

Janice Merrick is a Retired General Practice Nurse in Dennistoun, Glasgow.  She supports Sophie with the Glasgow group

Jaci Cunningham is a retired Learning Disabilities Charge Nurse and sings with Sing in the City.  She is the Administrator for the Oxgangs Cheyne Gang

Joan Rowley is a retired teacher and is the Administrator for the Tweed Valley Cheyne Gang.

Annie McKenzie worked with children with special needs and is now retired. She is a swimming teacher and loves singing. Annie is the Administrator for the Leith and Stockbridge Groups.

Allison Tait  is a retired Practice Nurse and the administrator for our Liberton Group.

The Cheyne Gang singing groups leaders are supported by Gillian McLaren Scott, a Vocal Coach, Theatre Director, Educator and Scotland’s only Estill Mentor & Course Instructor.​

The Team
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