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Writer's pictureThe Cheyne Gang

Home Exercises: Week 4

This week, Sophie Boyd the Voice Coach for the Dennistoun and Bridgeton Groups has prepared some great exercises and songs to keep The Cheyne Gang singing at home.

Relaxing Physical Warm-Up

This video is a short and relaxing body warm-up. Stay seated for it and enjoy!

Active Warm-Up: Step, Circle, Reach

This is an active warm-up to get you up and moving, and it’s a real favourite in the Glasgow Cheyne Gangs. It’s important to keep exercising and this is a fun way to experiment with movement. Remember to always go at your own pace and do what you feel comfortable doing.

Seated Warm-Up: My Name's Fred

This is a fun active warm-up on the theme of bread making, since it seems to be everyone’s favourite activity just now! As always, just do what you’re comfortable doing.

Tony Chestnut Knows I Love Him

This little song is a little active brain gym song. You can stay seated for this. You can try missing out other words too.


This song comes from Ghana and I’m afraid I don’t know what the words mean. The song can go into a round so if you’d like to challenge yourself a bit more you can come in with the beginning of the song when I move onto the second phrase. There is some optional body percussion here that I’d invite you to join in with.

And finally, here are a few favourites Sophie has selected from YouTube.

The Ian Davison Folk Group - The Jeely Piece Song

This song, originally by Matt McGinn, is one of the Glasgow Cheyne Gang’s favourite songs. It’s a song that is part of Glasgow’s social history, told from the point of view of a child who’s sandwiches can’t be thrown down from the window any more since moving into high rise flats.

You've Got A Friend (Lyrics) - Carole King

One of my favourite songs is Carole Kings’ You’ve Got A Friend. I chose this song to reach out with friendship to all the Cheyne Gang members and staff and I’m sending love and positive thoughts to everyone.

More from Sophie and our other group leaders soon

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